Biggest mystery ever..
Netaji, dead or alive?
17/18th august 1945 is considered as the death anniversary of
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
Said to have died in a plane crash, His ashes still preserved and respected at Renkoji temple, Japan
Anita Bose, for many years, has been wanting her Father’s ashes to be brought back to India and is even ready for a DNA test.
Anuj Dhar, a renowned author and former journalist, has spent most of his life collecting evidence in what many think/ know/ suspect
— that Netaji did not die in the 1945 plane crash.
The 2 big questions are:
1. Why is Netaji’s death still a mystery, after all these years?
2. Why was an Indian such a big threat and to whom?
— — so much so, that he was house arrested, had to escape outside of India, supposedly dead in a plane crash and yet his family was stalked until many many years after his death.