Man-made Earth …!!
Biosphere2 was an amazing project, in the early 90s, to create earth from scratch within a laboratory by America
The cost incurred to create man-made earth almost 200 million dollars
The reason to create something like this, would probably be to understand how we create backup earth or simulate earth on Mars
You can check out this video, to get more idea
It was however, deemed a failure when news broke out that real world elements where brought inside the facility to create a 100% manmade earth
Interestingly people visit the faculty today for the experience and it also helps in creating or supporting other experiments
I hope with Biosphere 2, we humans have realised, how difficult or impossible, it is to create earth despite spending loads of money
I’m not adding the year on year maintenance cost, to keep up the artificial piece of earth
And yet we keep exploiting the only earth we are a part of, by depleting and degrading every natural bit of it
Why can’t we think of judiciously using the resources of this planet?
Or maybe spend some money to repair the damage already done?
What’s taking us so long in understanding that the one earth we have, needs to be cherished, preserved and protected?
What are you doing for your future and your future generations, if you won’t have a fully functional planet to sustain on?