Letter to self

Shruti Pandey
2 min readJan 28, 2021


Dear Self,

Remember me? I’m Shruti

Remember Physics? Remember the hyper-excited electrons, that would be on a higher orbit, not because they are high on drugs or alcohol but energy

You were like that once… bubbling with life, energy, love, positivity like effervescence

You literally were your favorite

But as every effervescence and energy goes out and the electron would return to its own or lower orbits; that happened with you too

Such is life

How did that happen? How could you let something obnoxious like that happen TO YOU

You knew decision making, yet you thought about others first

You just can’t say no, so you help everything on this planet

You know how it feels when no one helps

You know how it feels to have no one when you are sad, So you simply would not let a dull/ painful soul rot by itself

But guess what, you are not alone. There are rare gems like you on this planet and hence, it is still spinning

But what we don’t realize is:- these energy/ happiness suckers are not humans; they are basically vampires (real vampires would still be better)

They literally suck the life, the blood, the happiness, the success, the positivity out of you

They basically prey and dwell on you and your goodness

Good news is, not everybody would be like that

But bad news is; most of them are .. these vampires come in different shape and forms – family/ kids/ relatives/ strangers/ lovers etc etc … sometimes even you yourself

So now that we have the RCA and some self-realization; what do we do next?

Take some baby steps ..

YOU are important too

Know your value

Love yourself

Learn to Say NO

Take your health seriously or else it will give you serious troubles

I know, these are not baby steps for you; these are life shattering changes but how does a cocoon turn into a beautiful butterfly – the process is/ never was/ never will be easy

This is your road to transformation

You get one life, if you can try to make it beautiful for everyone; Let’s start this charity from home – from you





Shruti Pandey
Shruti Pandey

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