Testing.. !!!

Shruti Pandey
1 min readJul 23, 2022


Everything requires testing from vaccines to rockets.. and yet when it comes to any sort of Software Testing; people perceive it as an Ordinary job
(there are different reasons for that, but we will save that conversation for some other day, maybe)

As destiny would have it, with my first job, I landed into testing. Back in 2011, all my friends would mock me because you do not become an Engineer to get into testing

Till date, in any of my Organisations, when freshers get disheartened to have landed a job in testing; I ask them to talk to me

Testing is the best thing you could ever have;

1. You have an entire system’s knowledge (Domain expert/ SME/ BA)

2. You code on top of developer’s code and I feel immensely proud about it (Automation/ Performance/ RPA)

3. You get paid to find defects (need I say more?)

4. Testing teaches you Ownership, Time Management, Project Delivery, Mentoring, Leadership and so much more

and trust me, if you are a perfectionist; you will never let a bug slip by, cause nothing ever is perfect

Yes, I’m a self-confessed testing passionate humane ..
(if there is a term for it)



Shruti Pandey
Shruti Pandey

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