The mystery that is Elon Musk ..
that’s my title for him, not BBC’s :P
2 things are very clear to me from Elon’s latest BBC interview:
1. He is not kidding, even when we think he is kidding
Elon’s Dog IS THE CEO for Twitter
I don’t think it’s his love for the animal, but to save taxes !!!!
Like how he rarely draws a salary but does it in a very different way !!!!
This also reminds me of the classic 2008 Lehman Brother Crisis,
when People in US were buying property / taking loans against their pets
I fail to understand why a developed nation like America, does not implement something as basic as KYC aka
Know your Customer
or for Elon’s Dog, we also need something like
Know your CEO
God bless America and the rest of the world !!!!!
I mean it !!!!
2. When it comes to Indian social media rules, Elon accepts they are strict and complies to them,
because he doesn’t want Twitter employees to go to jail
So, Imagine, if tomorrow the Indian government bans Companies whose owners are not HUMANS !!!
because someone might make an AI the owner,
not giving any devilish thoughts here but just saying; ……
I wonder if Elon would change the Twitter CEO from his dog to his son X Æ A-12