“You don’t have to give birth to a child, to be a mother”

Shruti Pandey
2 min readMay 11, 2023


“My Kids”
yes, you read it right and these are actually very few in the pic, I have 120–150 actually

There are so many problem statements out there in the world that need to be solved but we can’t see it cause there is already enough shit on our plates :(

ASHA NGO does a phenomenal job with these kids from nearby slums and supports their education
you cannot even imagine the new problems added with the pandemic

The parents of these kids are daily wage workers
They may not all have laptops/ mobiles or internet for your “Online classes”

I can’t tell you the sleepless nights I had during the lockdown 2020 feeling pathetically helpless and being of no use to my lil angels

And hey wait, I’m not great or anything
I don’t do enough for them, we are unfortunate that we cannot support our communities

And I am damn selfish
I need to be married to have kids (which I’m not sure will happen when :P )
If I go for IVF / Adoption, it is adding to my own battles and miseries
and then I look at my pay-check and drop the idea

There is this particular scene in the series “Queen” based on the life story of Jayalalitha, where her Headmistress tells her
“You don’t have to give birth to a child, to be a mother”

I cried buckets watching this and missed my kids even more, during the crazy endless 2020/21 lockdowns

my pic :)

