“Your faith is beautiful”

Shruti Pandey
3 min readDec 25, 2020


Pic Credits:- Taken by me, exactly in front of the Mount Mary church

I’m a Hindu born in a Brahmin family
and while I love, respect, adore all my Gods, culture and traditions and am very proud of it;
I’m also “God’s favourite child”;
I love Gods not just from my religion but every religion

The story starts from a time, when I was little and my education was a great debate in my big family
Girl child was NOT meant to be educated and should be married off by 13 years of age

(Things were very different long, long time back)

My parents didn’t let that happen though and the struggle was real
I couldn’t join a Convent school; dad thought, the School would impose another religion on me

My mother on the contrary a convent-educated, taught me English, as if it were my mother tongue

Little did they know that Christianity was going to follow me for the rest of my life.

Miracle #1
My early memories of visiting Mount Mary Church in Bandra, when I was tiny, during the fair, is blurry but crazy;

the massive number of people of all ethnicity that flock there, is surely a sight to see
and till date it is one of my favourite places to visit :D

Miracle #2

My relatives made it very difficult for me to study, that is when I got this Angel in my life

— -My English teacher, Golfina teacher who is a South-Indian Catholic

She and her family were my Trinity
They would call on my landline to check on me
Biju Sir, Golfy teacher’s husband was my Guardian angel
He would print-out miraculous stories and send it over to me via teacher
It was like having an affair and smuggling love letters, just that this was an entire family who loved me dearly
I try my best to return the favour now, if their daughter needs any help from me; but I know, I just can’t compensate

Miracle #3
Fast forward to my Sixth grade (I think so), I don’t know what tragedy fell upon me, I don’t remember and I was pretty sad.
I was switching channels on the cable Tv and getting to watch television back in those days was a luxury because there were so many contenders to tackle

Somehow, I stumbled on to a movie having the Nuns in Church working hard to form a choir, uplifting each other and the community they lived in.
This movie was “Sister Act” and I’m so not sure, why they don’t telecast such movies anymore?
The story, the choir songs .. left major imprints on that child’s mind that day

Over the years, I have this bizarre feeling,

like every time I’m about to have a major transformation in my life; Christianity and its people were somehow always a part of it

Miracle #4

Couple of Mom’s friend are Christian and I love it when I get to accompany them for a Mass

My biggest takeaway was Forgiveness from the one we attended on 1st Jan 2020

Such a simple thing, we hear about it all the time but never apply
It took time and I started by forgiving myself, my family and an exhaustive list of humans

Infact, I’m so grateful for everything that my family did to/for me as It made me what I am today

Maybe everything does happen for a reason :)

Miracle #5
Last year was very hard on me and early 2020, I found this series about Jesus called “The Chosen
It was such a moving experience for me that I cried my eyes out during every miracle

In the words of the Lord; “If Not Now, When?

I’m extremely grateful for these miracles in my life and I have plenty more :)

It was long overdue that I expressed my gratitude to the lovely God and His people

Needless to say, I love all things Christmas’y :)
and I was probably waiting for it to convey this message.

So, Thank you once again .. and wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas ..

PS: A humble request, Respect and Love every Religion on this planet as you love yours



Shruti Pandey
Shruti Pandey

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